Hotel jobs, apprenticeship, first lease? The likeable hosts at the Kronprinz in Troisdorf prove that there are other ways. “We are classical lateral recruits“, so Anne-Katrin Silber-Bonz who, jointly with her husband, became a few years ago a hotelier rather by accident. After her degree in history, the Bielefeld native worked at bookshops, was active in social associations, and additionally “managed” her two daughters, she says with a twinkle in her eyes. For quite a while, the couple was looking for a way into the hospitality industry – so, when the historical „Das Kronprinz“ in Troisdorf was available for lease, they seized the opportunity. In fact, Anne-Katrin and Christoph had no regrets about their decision: the many-sidedness of this profession is unique, so their unanimous opinion. “Day by day, I feel enormously satisfied when our guests feel comfortable with us,“ so Anne-Katrin Silber-Bonz. The couple wants to offer their guests the so-called “home on-the-go” also in ten years – preferably with the current hotel staff under the direction of Melanie Pohle that has, so to say, become the “Kronprinz family.“
The experiences their guests can make in Troisdorf are revealed by them in their “Perfect Day.“